Our first coffee in nitro cans is La Laguna anaerobic from Costa Rica. We've been working with this coffee for several years and we love how nitro brings out its complexity and sweetness.

Country: Costa Rica
Region: Parritilla, Los Santos
Farm: La Laguna
Process: Anaerobic
Varietal: Caturra
Altitude: 1600-1800 MASL

We got this coffee from our friends at Selva Coffee. Here is some info they provided us about La Laguna.

Hellen and William Mora own and operate La Laguna, a 4 hectare farm in Parritilla, Costa Rica. The farm has been in their family for over 10 years and they focus solely on wild and natural processed coffees. The family also owns a micro wet mill called Agropecuaria Hellen where they process their coffees.

The coffee cherries are harvested as uniformly ripe as possible. The following day they pass the fruit through a floating system to remove many imperfections. From there, the coffee berries are placed into fermentation tanks equipped with valves allowing gas to escape, but not enter. The fruit is left to rest in these tanks for 48-60 hours. Afterwards, the fermented cherries are moved directly to raised drying beds in a medium sized layer. The drying coffee cherries are moved/turned a few times a day and require about 25 days to reach optimal moisture content. The dried parchment coffee is bagged up and allowed to rest for a few weeks in their warehouse. Finally, the parchment is taken to the Tesoros dry mill where it is sorted by size, weight, and color. From there a container is loaded with the coffee and shipped to its final destination.